About me

You found me! I’m a first year PhD student at the institute of Neuroinformatics at the university of Zurich and ETH Zurich, supervised by Prof. Valerio Mante. I’m primarily interested in basic methods research in the intersection between computational neuroscience and machine learning. Currently, I’m working on comparing cortical learning and reinforcement learning. I’m always open to collaborate, send me a tweet!

Before coming to Zurich, I completed an Msc. at the school of informatics in Edinburgh, where I worked on machine learning and grid cells with Prof. Matt Nolan and Dr. Michael Herrmann. I completed my Bsc. in AI at Utrecht University. I grew up in Jakarta, Indonesia.

When I’m not annoying my labmates with my unnecessarily loud typing, I like to cook crazy vegan meals, run, ride, swim. I’m using this webpage to write about the topics I’m passionate about (read veganism), and to provide updates on my scientific career to whoever is listening.

Latest news

11-02-2020, New Code Release:

GridTorch, a Pytorch implementation of a grid-unit neural network, out now! [link]